Monday, 27 August 2012

If you really want it, you will make it happen!

I am always asked where I find the time to run, walk or cycle as most people who know me, know that my interests are truly all over the place and have the busy schedule to prove it.

But I am a firm believer that it you want something bad enough you will make it happen. During my time in the military, I worked full-time and studied full-time because getting my Master's was important to me. It might be more than other people can take on but you do what you can. Needless to say I wasn't very sympathetic when I had airmen trying to say they don't have time to go to school. If I can do it, so can you.

Even though I am training for a marathon (again :(), I fit my training around my life not my life around my training. I am an early riser and get up around 0500. I usually get out the door around 0600 and run for about 3 miles with Dusty before I head off to work. That doesn't work for some people, I know not everyone is a morning person but this allows me to get it into my day and leaves me open to make arrangements with my husband or friends in the evening. I know that I won't run when I get home especially in the summer time when its too hot for Dusty.

I don't compartmentalize my training, I count all my activity. I cycle to work. In total it comes to about 5.5 miles (28 miles per week). I count that in my training. Why? Because it is being active and is cross training. If I meet up with Jane for a dog walk, I bring my Garmin and add that too. If I take part in a a 5k, walk a marathon or a 60 mile bike ride, it all counts. Training for a marathon or being active in general doesn't have to make you break a sweat (all of the time). It is often the little things that make the biggest impact. One training plan that I have heard great things from the 'Couch to 5k' for those people who want a little training plan to get you going.

Dusty and I have started to take a walk around the block as soon as I get home. I do it then because if I get busy doing something else, I won't find the time (or the energy) to take him out. Perhaps some of you can identify with this. Its funny because now that I have been doing this for about a month, its become something that I enjoy and Dusty's walking has improved but I know that it is still activity. Do you have dog? Maybe you don't want to run with him like I do with Dusty, but perhaps you can ensure that you take them out twice a day. Its a great way to curb any naughty behavior which is usually pent up energy, destress, bond with your dog, being a responsible pet owner and getting you moving!

If you think I am busy, there is an inspiring mother of 4, Cindy Neldner, who manages the Mothers Inspiring Lifelong Fitness Facebook Page. I originally met her virtually but we end up doing some of the same events so its nice to catch up with her and she is so inspiring to the ladies who are in the RAF Running Club FB group. At the moment she is training for her first triathlon. I get inspired by her training as I am not sure how she does it but she does! She ran the Spartan Race and then turned around and got to go see Michelle Obama on base! Talk about having it all!

If you are looking for time, perhaps take a look at what you are doing now. The average American watches 4.5 hours of television per day. Are you one of these people? Can you use one of those hours to go for a run and maybe catchup on your shows at another time? Plus you can fast forward through the adverts!

When Dusty and I first started running together, we were joined by Jenn (Two Itchy Feet) and Anna. It was great to have some other people that would meet us and make us get up (that was when we ran at 0700- I was still up at 0500) but as the winter came, it was harder for them to get out of their warm beds and go out into the dark and cold winter mornings (who can blame them?). I moved my working hours up to 0800 so that is how I ended up running at 0600. This might work for you. I know that Jenn and Anna still meet up and encourage each other get out there and attack their training for their half marathon in Oct.  Do you have someone you know that is looking to get fit? Maybe make a date first 2-3 times a week and expand on it. But put it in your dairy, make it an appointment. I have my runs scheduled which are emailed and texted to me by my Google Calendar.

After participating in the work's football (soccer for you Americans) competition, I decided that I would go for a run at lunch time. My work has showers so I am able to minimize the stench when I return. If you are unable to do this, perhaps you can go for a walk instead. I run out 10 minutes and run back 10 minutes. That's an extra 20 minutes of activity that I wasn't getting in.

If I am due to do a long run on the weekend but wanting to spend time with friends, I will get up early to complete the run and go so I can have the best of both worlds. I would say that you must be realistic in the time it will take you to complete the distance but why let your runs take up all your time off?

I like to run but I like to do a lot of things so I am not going to allow it to rule my life. I like to get out here, get the training done and move on. Perhaps you are like me, not crazy about going to the gym but do it for the results. You can have it all, you just need to be realistic about your expectations, schedule and what you will commit to. 

Whatever you do, remember you are doing something, which is better than nothing. Also if you think you can or you think you can't, you are right!